Second Graduation Ceremony of InM Diploma in Microfinance

Updated on 03/03/2016 - By InM - No Comments

The 2nd Graduation Ceremony of “InM Certificate Courses and Diploma in Microfinance” Programme introduced by Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) was held today, on 03 March 2016 at 11:30 am at PKSF Auditorium, Agargaon. Mr. A H M Mustafa Kamal, FCA, Honourable Minister, Ministry of Planning, People’s Republic of Bangladesh was present at the ceremony as Chief Guest. The programme was presided over by the renowned economist and development specialist of Bangladesh, Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman of InM. 54 participants of 2nd and 3rd batches were awarded the Diploma certificate at the programme.

There is huge demand for knowledgeable and efficient human resources in the microfinance sector for working with innovative outlook and sensitivity towards the poor. The Programme is based on long-term human resource development approach where the participants from the sector get the theoretical understanding and practical experience through classroom sessions, hands-on training and field exposure.

On 28 August 2014, the Diploma programme was launched and inaugurated and the classes of the 1st batch started from January 2015. As of now, 86 (eighty-six) participants in 3 batches have completed the programme. The academic activities of the 4th and 5th batches are going on. In

the meantime the programme has created much interest and substantial impact in the sector.

Distinguished personnel from various research organisations, policy-makers from government and non-government sectors, PKSF, MRA, Bangladesh Bank and were present among others in the programme besides MFIs.

At the onset, Mr. Shabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Director of Education Division of InM briefed the audience on the programme. He said that there are six certificate courses in the Diploma. The programme is designed with keeping human capacity enhancement approach in mind and long-term goal in vision. The course contents were developed so that the participants may get hand-on experiences along with knowledge on theoretical matters and technological knowhow. Exams, exercises, field visits are used as tools for assessment besides class room sessions. Highest emphasis is given on maintaining standard while developing course curriculum, selecting teachers, providing class room lessons, evaluating exam scripts etc.

Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, distinguished economist and Executive Director of InM spoke about the vision of InM in his welcome speech. He stated that, since its inception in 2006, InM has been working immensely to attain its goal for eradicating poverty from the country. The Institute cherishes the vision for a poverty-free Bangladesh, through its various areas of operations such as knowledge management, research and training, where a full-fledged education programme is the newest inclusion. The Diploma programme is designed in such a way so as to correspond with the long-term goal and mission of InM. He expressed his belief that the students from this programme will be able to blend the attained knowledge in proper way with their experience, intellect and wisdom and lead the sector in future.

The certificate was distributed among the participants by the Chief Guest. One participant from each batch was awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal for the best performance. The awardees shared their experiences about the programme and expressed joyous feelings for their monumental achievement.

The Chief Guest mentioned in his speech that the MFIs have been playing a very important role for the eradication of poverty for more than thirty years in Bangladesh. Various structural reformations have taken place in microfinance sector by the passage of time. The sector comes under formal rules and regulations after the establishment of MRA. But supply of credit is inadequate comparing to existing demand in the sector, the problem is specially threatening for smaller MFIs. But the sector is gradually developing and proves effective for its purpose despite various limitations and obstacles. Now it is widely accepted that the sector is performing very satisfactorily for development of economy. The Chief Guest voiced his expectation that the Diploma programme introduced by InM will play an important part in satisfying the need for a large pool of efficient and knowledgeable manpower who are dedicated and responsive to the causes of the poor. He also thanked InM for introducing this expedient programme and congratulated the students for obtaining the certificate.

The Chairman addressed in his speech that in today’s scenario, the NGOs/MFIs are not confined to the mere activities of disbursing loans. Poverty does not only mean people’s inaccessibility to finance but its concept is closely entangled with their detachment from all the essential attributes vital for the development as human being. To face the challenge, a holistic approach is necessary. For appropriate financing it is crucial to attain the outlook of defining poverty with its entirety besides developing professionalism and the need for formal and theoretical knowledge to this end has been felt for long time. He expressed his opinion that the Diploma programme introduced by InM will be able to meet this expectation to a large extent.

The programme was followed by photo session and lunch.

The Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) is registered as an independent non-profit institution under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
The Institute works for developing the overall capacity of the financial sector and strengthening the links between the financial and real sectors through undertaking research, training, education, knowledge management and other programmes in priority areas including inclusive finance, microfinance, poverty and development.

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