Financial Inclusion Network, Bangladesh (FIN-B)

At the initiative of InM, the Financial Inclusion Network-Bangladesh (FIN-B) has been established in 2018 to develop, share and disseminate knowledge and expertise on financial inclusion. The Network stimulates mutual exchanges, helps develop collaboration, and promotes the Network to its members as a knowledge partner in their preferred areas of inclusive finance.
The major thrust of FIN-B activities is to leverage expertise in advancing financial inclusion as a key instrument for poverty reduction and inclusive growth and development. It is a unique platform to bring together all financial sector stakeholders including relevant government organisations, banks, NGO-MFIs, other financial institutions, and local government and grassroots organisations for sharing ideas and best practices from home and abroad.
The specific objectives of FIN-B are to:
- Identify key thematic issues of financial inclusion and create and disseminate knowledge and good practices from home and abroad.
- Adopt social marketing techniques to promote and popularise financial inclusion as a key development issue with significant potential of providing benefits to the financially excluded groups and transforming the society at large.
- Identify and Implement programmes, targeting policymakers, providers and excluded groups and sectors for raising awareness on financial inclusion and designing products and services to meet the wide range of financial needs of the excluded groups, especially the poor households and marginalised sectors (e.g. CMSMEs) in the economy.
- Develop innovative programmes of financial inclusion for different disadvantaged segments of the country’s population/enterprises.
- Provide support for capacity building of member institutions and establish synergies and collaboration amongst its members on financial inclusion issues.
- Create partnership and institutional arrangements among the government institutions (especially the local government institutions), financial institutions, civil society organizations (including the NGO-MFIs) and private sector stakeholders to design and implement innovative advocacy programmes consistent with financial inclusion for all.
- Develop institutional mechanisms for designing and implementing advocacy programmes and disseminating knowledge products based on solid evidence and using proven techniques of knowledge sharing.
- Develop linkages and partnerships and share knowledge with other network groups, international agencies and regional associations having similar ideas to mutually benefit from specific policies and programme initiatives.
The Network adopts strategies for financial advocacy for designing and implementing different financial advocacy programmes which will encourage the financially excluded through raising awareness regarding rights and benefits and developing public-private partnerships on financial inclusion issues to access formal financial services.
For guiding FIN-B activities , a 23-member Steering Committee works under the Chairmanship of Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman of InM and PKSF. The Committee includes representatives from Bangladesh Bank, Financial Institutions Division of the Ministry of Finance, banks, insurance and other nonbank financial institutions, research organisations, MFIs and other stakeholders. At present, the total number of membership of FIN-B is 72 which cover different types of financial and related institutions.
Launching Ceremony of FIN-B

Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) organised the Launching Ceremony of the ‘Financial Inclusion Network, Bangladesh (FIN-B)’on 18th January 2018 (Thursday) at 9 am at PKSF Auditorium, PKSF Bhaban. Agargaon, Dhaka.
Mr. M. A. Mannan MP, Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning, GoB graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The session was chaired by Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, InM. Dr. Atiur Rahman, Professor, Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka and Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank presented the keynote paper in the ceremony.
Selected dignitaries, policymakers, academicians, researchers, relevant stakeholders, and development practitioners are expected to participate in the discussion
Download Launching Ceremony Key Note Paper
FIN-B Membership Announcement
Financial Inclusion Network-Bangladesh (FIN-B), an initiative of the Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM), is now receiving membership applications. Interested organisations and individuals are requested to download the application form (PDF version) and forward it to the office of FIN-B at InM, Dhaka.
Download FIN-B Membership Application /Renewal Form
Download FIN-B Brochure(English)
Download FIN-B Brochure (Bangla)