ID No. | Name of the Project | Team members |
88 | WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) Programme-Phase II | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Md. Sajjad Kabir |
87 | Strengthening Social Resilience Programme: Development of NFIS Implementation and Action Plan and Resource Plan of Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) |
86 | Bangladesh Poverty Watch Report 2023 | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Syed Nuruddin Ahmed Nujhat Shama Akram Hussain Khan Nurun Nahar Bristy Arsalan Zaman |
85 | Bangladesh Poverty Watch Report 2022 | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Syed Nuruddin Ahmed Sanjida Afroz Arsalan Zaman |
84 | Bangladesh SDGs Progress Report 2022 | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter |
83 | Baseline Study on Piloting WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) Programme | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter |
82 | Study on Inclusive Business Model to Encourage Investment in CMSMEs in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter |
81 | The Psychology of Covid-19 and Financial Behaviour: The Urban Middle Class in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
80 | Covid-19 and MFIs in Bangladesh: Innovations in Resilience Building | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
79 | Developing Capacity of MFIs for Fighting Covid-19 Impact in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
78 | Bangladesh Voluntary National Review (VNR) 2020: Fostering Inclusiveness for Shared Prosperity | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
77 | Sustainable Development Goals: Bangladesh Progress Report 2020 | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer Sadia Afreen |
76 | Leaving No One Behind: Implementation Context of SDGs in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer Sadia Afreen Sanzida Sharmin |
75 | Improving Fiscal Decentralisation for Local Government Institutions | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
74 | Transforming the Agri-food Sector towards a Modern, Sustainable Advanced Economy: Looking Beyond 2030 Towards Achieving Bangladesh’s Vision 2041 | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer |
73 | Baseline Study of the Project- Scaling WaterCredit in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer Sadia Afreen Sanzida Sharmin |
72 | Development of a Detailed Implementation Plan with M & E Framework and Resource Plan for the National Financial Inclusion Strategy-Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Anthoni Githiari Dr. Ahsan Habib Dr. Farhana Nargis Nahid Akhter Farah Muneer Sadia Afreen |
71 | Branch Expansion and Institutional Sustainability of MFIs in Bangladesh | Dr. Farhana Nargis, Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, Farah Muneer. |
70 | Financial inclusion for disaster and climate resilient households and communities | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, Dr. Henry Scheyvens, Mr. Brian Johnson, Professor Mizanur Rahman, Mr. Mehadi Hasan. |
69 | Financial Empowerment of Vulnerable Street and Working Children/Youth | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Mohammad Abu Eusuf, Mr. Golam Mohiuddin, Dr. Farhana Nargis, Ms. Farah Muneer. |
68 | Developing and Implementing Inclusive Insurance in Bangladesh | Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, (Team Leader) Dr. Syed Abdul hamid, Dr. Shubhasish Barua, Ms. Nahid Akhter. |
67 | Innovative Solutions to Sustaining Access to Safe Drinking Water for the Poor in the Saline-prone Coastal Belt: A Critical Review of LIFT Initiative of PKSF | Dr.Mustafa K. Mujeri (Team Leader), Md. Refatul Islam, Md. Mehadi Hasan, Farhana Nargis, Nahid Akhter, Farah Muneer. |
66 | Demand-Side Study for National Financial Inclusion Strategy for Bangladesh | Dr. M. Ismail Hossain, Farhana Nargis, Shah Md. Ahsan Habib, Mehadi Hassan, Nahid Akhter, Farah Muneer. |
65 | Impact of ENRICH program at the household level | Professor M.A. Baqui Khalily (Team Leader) Syed Abdul Hamid, A. K. M. Nazrul Islam, Farhana Nargis, Nahid Akhter. |
64 | Diagnostics of Micro Enterprise Lending by MFIs in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges and way forward | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Mustafa K Mujeri, Mr. Mehadi Hasan, Farah Muneer. |
63 | Impact assessment study of the FKQ rehabilitation and livelihood programme and implementing NGOs | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Professor Muzahidul Islam, Mehadi Hasan, Farah Muneer. |
62 | A Longitudinal Study to Assess the Impact of PRIME in Greater Rangpur (Seventh Round) | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Mehadi Hasan, Nahid Akhter . |
61 | Assessing Risks, Resilience, and Adaptation Strategies in Chittagong Hill Tracts | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, Md. Abdul Khaleque, Dr. Henry Scheyvens. |
60 | Mid-Term Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ENRICH Programme at the Household level of 21 Unions of Bangladesh | Professor S. R. Osmani (Team Leader) M. A. Baqui Khalily, Akhter Hossain, M. Sadiqul Islam, Syed Abdul Hamid, Mahmudul Alam, Zulfiqar Ali, Abul Hossain, A. K. M. Nazrul Islam. |
59 | Microfinance and Income Inequality: The case of Bangladesh | Pauline Urruty |
58 | Poverty Dynamics in Rural Bangladesh: Phase-II | Professor S. R. Osmani |
57 | Effect of Boards on Performance of Microfinance Institutions | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, Dr. Hafiz Hoque. |
56 | Relationship between Capital Structure and Performance:Evidence from Microfinance Institution | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, Dr. Hafiz Hoque. |
55 | Does Regulation Causes Microfinance Institutions Drifting Away from Their Mission? | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader ) Hafiz Hoque. |
54 | Does Remittance Reduce Poverty? Evidences from PRIME Data | Sayema Haque Bidisha, Md. Amzad Hossain. |
53 | The Impact of Microcredit on Rural Labour Market in Bangladesh | Professor S.R. Osmani |
52 | Models of Microcredit Delivery and Social Norm | Professor S.R. Osmani |
51 | State of Microfinance in Bangladesh Expansion and Diversification | Tahmina Rahman |
50 | Loss and Damage Caused by Cycles SIDR, Aila and Mahasen: Coping Strategies, Adaptation and the Role of Microfinance | Md. Tareq Ferdous Khan, M. A. Baqui Khalily, Henry Scheyvens. |
49 | The Role of Microfinance and Microfinance Institutions in Climate Change Adaptation: Learning from Experience in Bangladesh | Henry Scheyvens |
48 | Social Capital of the Urban Poor in Bangladesh: an Implication for Housing Development | Toriqul Bashar, Glen Bramley, M A Baqui Khalily. |
47 | Dynamics of Overlapping in the Microcredit Sector of Bangladesh | Professor S. R. Osmani, M. A. Baqui Khalily, Mehadi Hasan. |
46 | Contribution of Microfinance to GDP | Dr. Selim Raihan, Professor S. R. Osmani, Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily. |
45 | Impact of PRIME Interventions at the Household and Institutional Level –Sixth Round | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Professor Nazrul Islam, Mehadi Hasan, Nahid Akhter, Farzana Saeed, Farah Muneer, Pablo Miah . |
44 | Impact of PRIME Interventions in the South Western Region of Bangladesh | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Mehadi Hasan, Farhana Nargis, Nahid Akhter, Farzana Saeed, Farah Muneer, Pablo Miah, Nabila Maruf, Tareq Ferdous Khan. |
43 | Access to Financial Services in Bangladesh: Phase- II | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily (Team Leader) Mehadi Hasan, Nahid Akhter, Pablo Miah. |
42 | Beyond Ending Poverty The Changing Role of Microfinance in Bangladesh | Shahidur R. Khandker , M.A. Baqui Khalily, Hussain A. Samad. |
41 | Poverty and Vulnerability in Rural Bangladesh | S.R. Osmani, Meherrun Ahmed, Muhammad A. Latif, Rushidan I. Rahman, Binayak Sen. |
40 | Risk and Deprivation facing the Poor in Rural Bangladesh | Syed M. Ahsan, Syed Abdul Hamid, M. A. Baqui Khalily, Shubhasish Barua, Chowdhury Abdullah Al Asif. |
39 | The Microinsurance Market in Bangladesh An Analytical Overview | Syed M. Ahsan, Shubhasish Barua. |
38 | Provision of Microinsurance: The Choice among Delivery and Regulatory Mechanisms | Professor Syed M Ahsan, Dr. Minhaj Mahmud. |
37 | Study on Assessment of Long Run Effects of the Sidr and Aila on Livelihood of Poor Households of Bangladesh with a Particular Focus on Micro‐credit | Dr. Santi Ranjan Howlader, Dr. Nilufar Banu, Arif Rahman, Adnan Islam, Abdul Hakim, Afazur Rahman. |
36 | Pathway out of Extreme Poverty | S. Aminul Islam, Dr. Anwara Begum. |
35 | Study on Assessment of Existing Status of Beneficiaries and Experience of Service Providers in the Sidr, Aila Affected Areas of Bangladesh with a Particular Focus on Micro-credit | Dr. Santi Ranjan Howlader, Dr. Nilufar Banu, Dr. Rezaul Karim. |
34 | Impact of PRIME Interventions at the Household Level – Fifth Round | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily (Team Leader) Dr. M. A. Latif Mehadi Hasan Dr. Farhana Nargis, Nahid Akhter, Farah Muneer, M. A. Khaleque, Dr. Anwara Begum, Dr. Sadiqul Islam, Dr. Atonu Rabbani, Souran Roy. |
33 | Impact of Regulation on the Cost Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily M. Abdul Khaleque, S. Badruddoza. |
32 | Effectiveness of MRA Regulations in the Microfinance Sector: The User Perspective | Dr. Muhammad Abdul Latif, Mehadi Hasan, Md. Abdul Khaleque, Syed Badruddoza. |
31 | Financial Inclusion in Char and Haor Areas in Bangladesh | Mahfuz Kabir, Abdullah Nadvi. |
30 | The Outreach-Profitability Trade-off: Evidence from an Ultra-Poor Program in Bangladesh | Wahid Abdallah, Monirul Hasan, Atonu Rabbani. |
29 | Effectiveness for PRIME Interventions in Greater Rangpur at the Household Level and Institutional Level: A Longitudinal Approach (Round -4) | Dr. Atonu Rabbani (Team Leader) Mehadi Hasan, Bakhtiar Sohag, Marup Hossain, Tarek Aziz, Moniruzzaman Muzib . |
28 | PRIME Interventions in the Coastal Areas of South-West Bangladesh: A Baseline Survey | Dr.Atonu Rabbani, Md. Mehadi Hasan, Bakhtiar Shohag, Marup Hossain, Tarek Aziz . |
27 | Microinsurance, Poverty and Vulnerability: Phase – II | Professor Syed M. Ahsan, Dr. Syed Abdul Hamid, Mr. Shubhasish Barua , Mr. Chowdhury Abdullah Al Asif, Ms. Afroza Begum. |
26 | Long-term Dynamics of Microcredit Programmes in Bangladesh | Dr. Shahidur R. Khandker, Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, Hussain M. Samad, Gayatri Koolwal, Dr. Rashid Faruqee, Dr. M. A. Latif. |
25 | Access to Finance and Productivity of Enterprises in Bangladesh: Is There Causality? | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, M.A.Khaleque. |
24 | Access to Financial Services in Bangladesh-An overview | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily M.A.Khaleque, |
23 | Status of Individual Modernity of Women in Rural Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study on Microfinance and Gender-role | Professor Habibul Haque Khondker |
22 | Effectiveness of PRIME Interventions in Greater Rangpur at the Household level and Institutional level: A Longitudinal Approach (Round – 3) | Dr. Atonu Rabbani, Mohammad Monirul Hasan, Md. Mehadi Hasan, Tunazzina Choudhury Mithun, Aparna Howlader. |
21 | Impact Study of the Microfinance Support Interventions for Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD) and Ultra Poor (UP) Beneficiaries Project | Professor M.A. Baqui Khalily M.Abdul Latif, S.M. Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, Md. Abdul Khaleque, Badrun Nessa Ahmed, M. Nasir Uddin Sarwar, Tareq Ferdous Khan. |
20 | An Evaluation of Microfinance Programme of Plan Bangladesh: Effectiveness and Efficiency to Reach the Extreme Poor | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily Meherun Ahmed, M. A. Khaleque, Suborna Barua. |
19 | Strategic Behavior of NGOs/MFIs in Bangladesh | Kazi Iqbal |
18 | The Impact of Governance Mechanism on Performance and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh | Tanweer Hasan, Principle Investigator Shakil Quayes. |
17 | Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Farm Performance and Food Security in Bangladesh | Dr. Md Abdul Wadud (Team leader) Tariq Saiful Islam, Qamarullah Bin Tariq Islam . |
16 | Dynamics of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh: Anthropological Part | S.M.Nurul Alam S.R Osmani. |
15 | Dynamics of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh: Phase – I (Longitudinal study) | Professor S. R. Osmani (Team Leader) Md. Abdul Latif, Binayak Sen, Rushidan Islam Rahman, Meherun Ahmed, Tareq Ferdous Khan, Rizwana Islam. |
14 | Poverty Alleviation Through Enhanced Usage of Migrant Remittance: A Pilot Study | Shahadat Khan |
13 | Dynamics of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh Report of the Benchmark Survey | Professor S. R. Osmani (Team Leader) Md. Abdul Latif, Binayak Sen, Rushidan Islam Rahman, Meherun Ahmed, Tareq Ferdous Khan, Rizwana Islam. |
12 | Access to Financial Services in Bangladesh-A Demand Side Analysis (Phase – I) | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Md. Abdul Khaleque Meherun Ahmed Sayema Haque Bidisha Farhanaz Sharmin Md. Rajib-Ur-Rahman. |
11 | Multiple Memberships (Overlapping) in Microcredit | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily , Dr. Rushad Faridi . |
10 | Design of Microinsurance Products | Professor Syed M. Ahsan, Aniq N. Hakim. |
9 | Microinsurance, Poverty and Vulnerability: Phase - I | Professor Syed M. Ahsan Dr. Syed Abdul Hamid, Dr. Minhaj Mahmud, Shubhasish Barua, Jaimie Tax, Aniq N. Hakim, Chowdhury Abdullah Al Asif, Javed Pervez, Afroza Begum. |
8 | Impact of Prime Program for Monga Mitigation- An Analysis of Panel and Cross Section Data (Round – 2) | M.A. Baqui Khalily (Team Leader) M.A. Latif, Atonu Rabbani, Kazi Iqbal, Meherun Ahmed, M. Monirul Hasan, M.A. Khaleque, Mehadi Hasan, Paritosh Kumar Roy, Jamil Sayeed. |
7 | Baseline Data Analysis of Microfinance Support Intervention for Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD) and Ultra Poor (UP) Beneficiaries | M.A. Baqui Khalily, M.Abdul Latif, S.M. Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, Md. Abdul Khaleque, Badrun Nessa Ahmed, M. Nasir Uddin Sarwar, Tareq Ferdous Khan. |
6 | Impact of Prime Interventions on Monga Mitigation in Greater Rangpur Region in Bangladesh (Round – 1) | M. A. Baqui Khalily, Muhammad Abdul Latif, In association with, Mohammad Monirul Hasan, Md. Abdul Khaleque, Badrun Nessa Ahmed, Rubayyat Hashmi, Mohammad Nasir Uddin Sarwar, Md. Tareq Ferdous Khan. |
5 | State of Microfinance in SAARC Countries | Dewan A. H. Alamgir |
4 | Urban Microfinance in Bangladesh | Prof. Salim Rashid, (Team Leader) Md. Toriqul Bashar. |
3 | Regional Differences in Poverty Levels and Trends in Bangladesh:-Are we asking the right questions? | Dr. Sajjad Zohir, (Team Leader) |
2 | Internal Female Migration in Rural Bangladesh: An Effective Household Coping Strategies | Professor Quamrul Ahsan Chowdhury (Team Leader) |
1 | Monga in Greater Rangpur: Intensity, Coping, Vulnerability and the Impact of Mitigating Strategies | Professor M. A. Baqui Khalily, (Team Leader) Dr. Md. Abdul Latif, In association with Mr. Tariq Mohammad Shahriar, Ms. Rizwana Islam, Mr. Zabid Iqbal, Ms. Sifat-E-Azam, Mr. Suborna Barua, Mr. Md. Tareq Ferdous Khan, M. Abdul Khaleque, Mr. Rubayyat Hashmi, Ms. Sabin Ahmed. |