InM is currently implementing the pilot phase of the WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) Programme with support from that would create the scope of providing the poor households with access to small loans as a solution to affordable financing as well as access expert resources to make household water and toilet solutions a reality. The piloting has been undertaken by InM in partnership with ten WCAD partner MFIs to the customers at the bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP). The phase covers a period of 12 months; and, at the end of the pilot, around 100,000 water supply and sanitation (WSS) loans are expected to be disbursed to reach about 400,000 people with improved water and/or sanitation and increased capital mobilisation.
Under the programme, InM is conducting a baseline survey which will be used to assess the initial conditions; in addition, this will serve as a benchmark to measure changes at the end of the pilot. The target households are those having potential borrowers from the WCAD partner MFIs who are the prospective borrowers of the WCAD Programme.