MoU signed between InM and Water.Org on “Pilot of a WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) Programme"

Updated on 01/06/2021 - By InM - No Comments




InM and Water.Org has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 01 June 2021 to jointly provide technical support to WaterCredit programme-MFIs (WCP-MFIs) covering capacity building, performance based incentives, in country/oversee exchange visits and other support for implementing the WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) model by the partner MFIs. The overall objective of the programme is to implement the WCAD model by the partner WCP-MFIs through providing vulnerable people with affordable loans for developing quality water and sanitation facilities. More specifically, the programme will help develop organisational capacity of the MFIs through technical support provided by InM. In addition, it will build the implementation capacity of WCP-MFIs to reach more customers at the BOP through the WCAD model. As a result, it will improve hygiene behaviours of the beneficiaries by educating them to avail improved water and sanitation products. Dr. Mustafa K. Mujeri, Executive Director, InM and Mr. Rachel Brumbaugh Overton, Director, Global Operations, Water.Org signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations.

The Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) is registered as an independent non-profit institution under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
The Institute works for developing the overall capacity of the financial sector and strengthening the links between the financial and real sectors through undertaking research, training, education, knowledge management and other programmes in priority areas including inclusive finance, microfinance, poverty and development.

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