Admission of 7th Batch Diploma Starts

Updated on 11/01/2017 - By InM - No Comments
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Develop your capacity to adopt a more strategic approach, execution capability and the right set of specialised skills for the emerging development-inspired Microfinance sector engaged in adopting innovations through technology and improved business operating models!!

Be a part, identify your opportunities in the evolving Microfinance sector transforming itself from mission-driven ethos to one responding to the needs and interests of the poor in Bangladesh!!!

Past Diploma Holders working successfully in renowned organisations like MRA, BRAC, PKSF, ASA, SOJAG, Padakhep, ESDO, UDDIPAN and other leading MFIs.


  1. Excellent Faculty with wide knowledge and experience in Microfinance
  2. Tailored Course Materials designed for the Diploma Programme by specialists in both Bangla and English
  3. Printed Course Materials distributed to participants free of charge at the beginning of the Programme
  4. Introduction of each Course by well-known Experts and Practitioners at the Beginning
  5. Invited Guest Lectures by Microfinance Experts for better Understanding of Practical Issues
  6. One-month long Internships at the End for Acquiring On-Hand Expertise


  1. Bachelors Degree in any discipline
  2. Preference given to applicants working in MFIs, Development Organisations, Banks, and Financial Institutions
  3. Women especially encouraged to apply

Course Duration: 6 Months (offered only on Saturdays)

Last Date of Application: 29 Jan 2017

Class Commence: 11 Feb 2017

The Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) is registered as an independent non-profit institution under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
The Institute works for developing the overall capacity of the financial sector and strengthening the links between the financial and real sectors through undertaking research, training, education, knowledge management and other programmes in priority areas including inclusive finance, microfinance, poverty and development.

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+880 1729 072 881 /
House #50 (5th Floor), Road #8, Block-D, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
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