Development sans inclusiveness meaningless: Dr Rizvi

Updated on 01/08/2019 - By InM - No Comments

Development sans inclusiveness meaningless: Dr Rizvi

International financial inclusion conference ends

 FE Report | Published:  August 01, 2019 12:43:27 

Picture used for illustrative purpose only — Collected

The international affairs adviser to the prime minister, Dr Gowher Rizvi, said on Wednesday the country's achievement would be meaningless without inclusive growth.

"Whatever we've achieved doesn't certainly make any meaning without it (inclusiveness)" he asserted.

Dr Rizvi made the observations at the concluding session of a two-day international financial inclusion conference at Krishibid Institute here.

Financial Inclusion Network, Bangladesh (FIN-B) and Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) co-hosted the event.

The Financial Express (FE) is one of the media partners of the international conference.

Speaking as the chief guest, Dr Rizvi said Bangladesh has achieved remarkable development in the millennium development goals.

"But this time it is a real challenge in SDGs (sustainable development goals), in every goal it is comprehensive and inclusive of all," he added.

The adviser said Bangladesh cannot leave anyone behind in development agenda if it wants to fulfil SDGs.

It is depressing that whenever the issue of inclusiveness comes, talk about meritocracy and competitiveness comes along with.

"But merit comes with opportunity, those who don't get equal opportunity can't prove merit," he continued.

He said growth must come with equal distribution of wealth and income. "We can't do development for a few people only; benefits of growth must go to all people."

Dr Rizvi said poverty does not have one single dimension. "Poverty only can be alleviated by addressing all aspects of poverty," he added.

Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) executive director Dr Mustafa K Mujeri said financial inclusion is a right rather than a privilege.

Inclusive financial society will help bring dignity to the people, particularly to the underprivileged ones in the country, he mentioned.

Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, chairman of the institute, and Ahmed Mustaque Razqa Chowdhury, former vice-chancellor of Brac University, among others, also spoke at the programme.

The Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) is registered as an independent non-profit institution under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
The Institute works for developing the overall capacity of the financial sector and strengthening the links between the financial and real sectors through undertaking research, training, education, knowledge management and other programmes in priority areas including inclusive finance, microfinance, poverty and development.

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