The 3rd Graduation Ceremony of “InM Diploma in Microfinance” programme introduced by Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development (InM) was held on 27 April 2017 at 3:00 pm at PKSF Auditorium, Agargaon. Professor Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique, Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka was present in the ceremony as the Chief Guest. The programme was presided over by Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, InM. All together 54 participants from 4th, 5th and 6th batches were awarded the Diploma in Microfinance.
Mr. Shabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Director of Education Division of InM briefely described the audience about the programme. The programme covers six courses in six month duration which is designed with long term human development goal in vision. Dr. Mustafa K Mujeri, Executive Director, InM spoke about the vision of InM in his welcome speech. He mentioned that Diploma awarded participants from this programme will be able to blend the attained knowledge in proper way with their experience, intellect and wisdom and lead the sector in future.
The Chief Guest, Professor Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique, Honourable Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka mentioned in his speech that the Diploma programme introduced by InM is playing an important role in satisfying the need for a large pool of efficient and knowledgeable manpower who are dedicated and responsive to the causes of the poor.
The Chairman addressed in his speech that in today’s scenario, the NGOs/MFIs are not confined to the mere activities of disbursing loans. Poverty does not only mean people’s inaccessibility to finance but its concept is closely entangled with their detachment from all the essential attributes vital for the development as human being. To face the challenges, a holistic approach is necessary. He expressed his opinion that the Diploma programme introduced by InM will be able to meet this expectation to a large extent.
To meet the demand for knowledgeable and skilled human resources in the microfinance sector, InM introduced the Diploma in Microfinance Programme in 2015. Since inception, 140 (one hundred and forty) participants in 6 batches have completed the programme. Distinguished personnel from various organisations namely MFIs, Bank and Government sectors are the main participants of the programme.